
Our market leading solutions are designed to help you reduce your carbon footprint. There are a vast array of options available to you in confronting this challenge and our goal is to simplify these so you can make the best decision for your organisation.


We produce detailed reports showing your CO2e and steps that can be taken to reduce your consumption.

These range from cultural changes or green energy contracts to CHP plants and many more. If you want to know where you stand and what your options are, contact us and ask for a sustainability review.

Carbon Offset

Most companies will find that the path to zero will require the purchasing of carbon offsets. Our sustainability team has worked hard to build our credibility in a market rife with greenwashing. We only partner with Internationally recognised accreditation bodies so you have the confidence that the offsets you purchase will deliver a real carbon reduction.

In pursuit of delivering our own strategic vision, our goal at Pro Delta is to partner with industry leaders to take a share of land in Northern Europe that will be used specifically for planting trees linked to the carbon offsets we sell. We are working towards being the 'go-to' partner for Carbon Offsets in the UK market.

LED Lighting

If you haven't already switched to LED lighting, did you know that you could potentially half your electricity bill by doing so?

LED Lighting has remained one of the most popular options for reducing your energy spend as pay backs are some of the shortest at 2-4 years.

Contact our team to have a no obligation discussion around the options that are available in the market. It is important to remember that there are many different LED products available and they can vary considerably in quality and durability. Don't just take the cheapest option presented to you as it could end up costing you more in the long run.

Speak to one of our experts to view our LED product matrix and see how your options compare.

Solar PV/PPA

On site solar remains one of the most popular and effective ways of reducing your consumption and carbon footprint.

We can support your organisation by scoping the feasibility for your location, design, install, manage and maintain your PV system.

There are a number of finance and funding options available in the market and our experienced team will guide you so you can match the best option. Weather you want to invest the capital to own the system upfront or would like to consider a fully-funded Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) we have the expertise in house to help.

Want to know how we can help your business

reduce its Carbon Footprint?

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