Terms & Conditions
Pro Delta Consulting is a Limited Company registered in the UK, by using Pro Delta Consulting you understand and agree to the below terms unless you have a separate written agreement which outlines that it supersedes these general terms.
Pro Delta Consulting work with a number of leading suppliers within the UK energy market, to request a complete list of suppliers please contact us directly.
Pro Delta Consulting will present to you a range of supplier options for your energy renewal on receipt of a valid letter of authority.
Any supply contract you enter into will be between you and the supplier, we cannot be held responsible for the terms and conditions of your chosen supplier or performance under it.
Pro Delta Consulting will endeavour to understand your business requirements before making supply contract recommendations, this is pursuant to you providing accurate and timely information for the purposes of us obtaining said contracts.
You acknowledge that our recommendations are based on the market conditions and economic climate at the time they were made and that we cannot be held liable for any rises in the wholesale market that are beyond our control.
You acknowledge that we are entitled to be compensated for our efforts, the method will be either in the form of a commission payment from the supplier, fixed fee or a refund percentage. Commission payments are typically in the form of a unit rate uplift and the amount will vary depending on your consumption. If you would like to know an approximation of our fees please contact your account manager.
Pro Delta Consulting will continue to collect it’s commission from the supplier despite the termination or expiry of your services with Pro Delta Consulting.
If the letter of authority provides for a fixed fee or a refund percentage, you acknowledge that we reserve the right to invoice for our fee once the work outlined in the fixed fee has commenced or once the refund has been recovered to your account.
All our invoices are payable within thirty (30) days of receipt by you. We reserve the right to claim interest, compensation and costs under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.
All documents and materials produced by Pro Delta Consulting are owned entirely by Pro Delta Consulting Ltd.
You acknowledge that this agreement will commence on the date stated and shall continue (unless terminated by either party) for the minimum term. Following expiry of the minimum term the agreement will continue on a rolling monthly basis unless terminated.
Termination of this agreement does not impact the accrued rights or liabilities of either party.
You acknowledge that our total liability in contract, tort (including negligence and breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise, arising in connection with the performance of this agreement shall be limited to the commission or charges received by us pursuant to this agreement in the twelve (12) month period immediately the date of any claim.
We cannot be held liable for any loss of profit, economic loss, business loss, costs or damages to you.
Except where permission has been granted by us, you shall not disclose to any person or party, any confidential information.
Both parties will not claim or acquire any title to the other party's intellectual property rights and will not, at any time, do anything to prejudice the ownership of the others intellectual property rights.
Pro Delta Consulting Ltd
83 Ducie Street
M1 2JQ