The legislative landscape for energy is ever changing, it is our duty to guide you through ensuring you don't in-cure any penalties but also take advantage of available tax reductions.
The Energy savings and Opportunities Scheme is enforced by the Environmental Agency and is mandated if your organisation has:
There are significant penalties for non-compliance so if you fall into the above category get in touch with our Compliance team to get your report completed in time.
Since April 2019 companies that form within the below thresholds are mandated to complete the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Report:
The report is designed to ensure that you accurately relay your greenhouse gas emissions and the energy consumed from the purchase of gas and electricity.
Companies that meet the above thresholds need to publish the following information.
Our team at PD have been conducting SECR reports since inception and will ensure your company is compliant with detailed reporting and advice
Pro Delta Consulting Ltd
83 Ducie Street
M1 2JQ